Softball is an awesome sport that has touched many lives in a positive manner – just ask any of the coaches that participate in one of our many Revolution Summer Softball Camps! They’ve joined us specifically because the sport has given them so much in life and they want to share some of that wisdom and knowledge with each youth player they come into contact with.

One of the many benefits of Revolution Camps is that we focus on both the physical and psychological aspect and how it can impact you. If you’re looking for a new sport to play and are considering softball, the following five reasons should convince you to go out and buy a glove and bat right now!

Time Management Skills

Look, nobody is going to deny that it’s usually hard to juggle multiple responsibilities, no matter what stage in life you’re in. But adding softball – or any sport, really – to your list of things to do helps you learn to prioritize what needs to get done depending on the varying levels of importance.

Learning how to manage your time between things like school, family and softball (among other things) is a terrific way to find out how efficient you can be with the hours in a day you’re given. Plus, it doesn’t hurt that softball provides positive and memorable experiences, which makes the whole time management thing very worth it!

Learning to Deal with Adversity

Nobody is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes. What differentiates some people from others is what they learn from those experiences. Softball – like baseball – is a game of failure. Many times, the top hitters in the sport fail more often than they succeed at the plate.

Mistakes and failure don’t just happen at the plate in softball, either – it also happens on the mound and in the field. Instead of viewing them as things to avoid, softball presents these moments consistently so players can use them as lessons to learn from.

A Healthy Lifestyle

Exercising and knowing how important fitness is at a young age will contribute to a life full of positive and healthy choices. Children need physical activity on a daily basis, and finding a sport that’s enjoyable fills that need in the best way possible.

Although people are glued to their phones, video game consoles and computers these days, instilling positive lifestyle habits like daily exercise through softball increases a child’s chance of living a healthier life.

Learning the Importance of Teamwork

It doesn’t matter how good a softball player is – if she doesn’t have a solid team around her, that squad won’t win many games. Consistently finding success as a group requires everyone to buy into a certain idea and be willing to work together toward reaching that goal.

Softball helps show how your actions impact other people, and a lesson such as this goes beyond the softball field. You can take this from the dugout right into the “real world” whenever you grow up and get that first job.

Interested in signing up for a Revolution Softball Camp this summer? Click here to find a camp near you and receive more information.